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Latrobe Presbyterian Church |
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428 Main Street, Latrobe, PA 15650 (724) 537-3631 Fax: (724) 537-4434 |
Rev. J. Christy Ramsey, Interim Pastor |
Garrett ParkerMonths of Miracles |
Garrett's Journey | Garrett at Home | Message Archive | Prayers | |
Donations may be made to: Garrett Parker Benefit Fund Ameriserve Financial 112 S. Chestnut St Derry, PA 15627 |
Garrett Parker 502 Main Street Latrobe, PA 15650 |
All fund raising is unrelated to Latrobe Presbyterian Church |
Coming HomeGarrett's page continues to be updated by his family. Here are the messages from the first days until Garrett came home, July 29 - October 23, 2003(We had to split the page due to program limitations).Thank you for
your interest and your prayers. Please continue the prayers for Garrett,
Jordan, Larry and Dottie as they continue their journey.
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Garrett has a message! "I'm finally home". The family still needs your support. Church members! Sign up with the deacons for bringing meals to the family. If you have already signed up they will be contacting you.
The "write in" portions of this web site will be retired at the end of the month, the messages will remain. Further updates and messages may be posted as Garrett and his family decide. Thanks for all your support these last three months.
Garrett has a message! "I'm okay" and "I'm gorgeous" and finally, "I can wait to get back to school". (He asked to have these on the web site.) Garrett speaks softly but introduces his friends to visitors, makes music requests, and asks for all the news from school. Soon, Garrett will be back in Latrobe you can talk to him personally instead of by this web site. Read the his mother Dottie's message in today's guestbook. (Click here).
From an email by Kathy Conway: Garrett is in the Chamber choir at school. Mr. Tourre got together the kids who sang last year to sing a few of last year's songs for Garrett at rehab. Garrett sang along and knew all the words (and the tenor part!). The speech therapist and one of his doctors were there - both in tears.
Order my steps in your word dear LordLead me, guide me, every daySend your anointingFather I prayOrder my steps in your wordPlease order my steps in your wordTuesday, October 14, 2003
Garrett is pushing himself to get better, actively participating in his therapy. He volunteers for extra mental exercises even after therapy is done. The medication that interferes with his sleep has been reduced so he can rest at night and have more energy during the day.
Saturday, October 10, 2003
Garrett makes a joke! "the Physical Therapist said, 'now pretend you are sleeping Garrett.' He made several snoring sounds...." Read the rest of his mother Dottie's message in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Wednesday, October 8, 2003
"It was another great day with Garrett. He had real food today for lunch..." Read the rest of his mother Dottie's "sweet" message in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Monday, October 6, 2003
Garrett knows π! He told his Dad it was 3.14. Read more in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Sunday, October 5, 2003
Coco, the dog came to visit Garrett today to Garrett's delight. Garrett also received communion brought from the worship service at church today.
Saturday, October 4, 2003
Garrett ask for his dog, Coco today. He took 15 steps supported by a physical therapist or aide on each side. Way to move Garrett!
Thursday, October 2, 2003
Without prompting, Garrett offered his hand for a handshake when a visitor said good-bye tonight. He enjoyed his mother's mashed potatoes eating a couple of spoonfuls and swallowing them! His mother writes, "We are starting soft foods but only for pleasure. Garrett still needs the feeding tube for nourishment." More in a message to Garrett in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Monday, September 29, 2003
Garrett can say what month it is when shown the calendar. He also drew a square, circle and a triangle after the therapist drew them (He actually beat the therapist drawing a triangle.) He also tried to work a cell phone. He closed his time tonight saying to his mom, "I love you too, Mom". Praise God!
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Garrett takes steps! "Garrett took 5 or 6 steps - they were beautiful steps." More in a message to Garrett from Garrett's mother, Dottie, in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Thursday, September 25, 2003
Garrett consistently throws the football, brace yourself, it could knock the wind out of you! Since he is making progress, the meeting today resulted in the decision he can get another week of therapy, maybe two!!! He is still in a dream like state. There is a message to Garrett from Garrett's mother, Dottie, in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Garrett Talked! He told his doctor that Dottie was "My Mom!" and was able to say "Hi" on the phone! He is still in a dream like state. Keep praying for the meeting about his care on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
Garrett threw a football on request to his friend David Mills. More than once! Great job Garrett! Nice catch David.
Monday, September 22, 2003
Garrett was able to shake his head "Yes" and "No" today for the speech therapist. There is a meeting scheduled later this week about the future of Garrett's care. Please be in prayer for Garrett, his family and all who care for him.
Sunday, September 21, 2003
There is a message to Garrett from Garrett's mother, Dottie, in today's guestbook. (Click here).
Thursday, September 18, 2003
Garrett brushed his teeth today! He was able to take over and do the chore himself.
Monday, September 15, 2003
Garrett did well in Occupational Therapy. He was able to hug and kiss Jan Mills. When he is alert he is a little more alert according to his mother Dottie, who is very encouraged with his progress.
Thursday, September 11, 2003
Garrett's sister Jordan, has a entry in today's guestbook. (Click here). She reflects on her relationship with Garrett and the support of the people of Latrobe.
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
Garrett got his hair cut and looks much better. The unused trach was removed and the opening is healing quickly. He is reaching for his face now and can wiggle his toes when asked.
Monday, September 8, 2003
Garrett's Dad, Larry, reports that Garrett had a good day with Physical Therapy. Physical Therapy works with large muscles such as working to get him to stand, exercising his legs, etc.
Sunday, September 7, 2003
Garrett's medicine has been changed over the past two days so progress seems slow. He also itched his nose and was sucking on a lollipop today. Thank you to all who let me know you are thinking about us and praying for us. Love, Dottie (see the complete note in today's guestbook, (Click here)
Friday, September 5, 2003
Garrett's mom Dottie, writes in today's guestbook (Click here). She thanks Jan Mills and her family as well as others who has helped Garrett and his family on this healing journey. (Including all of you!)
Thursday, September 4, 2003
Garrett's mom Dottie, writes in today's guestbook (Click here). She reports on Garrett's trip outdoors!
Wednesday, September 3, 2003 Revised
At Garrett's physical therapy this morning, he couldn't be put in the "standing machine" because he was moving too much! A good "problem". (Trying to stand?) He "asked" for prayer by raising his eyebrows when asked if he wanted a prayer. He also raised his thumb when the therapist asked him to lift it.
Tuesday, September 2, 2003
Garrett's Dad, Larry, reports that Garrett is communicating! Eyebrows up for YES and eyes closed tight for NO. Garrett's Grandfather, John Parker, reports “that Garrett is now responding to simple commands, a definite improvement.”
Thursday, August 28, 2003
Garrett's trach was capped today! He is breathing on his own. He is making noises but no words. His mother, Dottie, has a message on today's Guestbook page..
Wednesday, August 27, 2003
Garrett's trach was downsized today. His throat and vocal cords look fine. He continues Physical and Occupational Therapy even though he cannot contribute to the exercises. The family is taking one day at a time.
Sunday, August 24, 2003
Garrett's eyes are open most of the time now but they are not focusing. Larry, Dottie, Jordan and Garrett enjoy visitors, see Thursday, August 21st (below) for details about visiting.
Saturday, August 23, 2003
The Rehab is so aggressive they are not waiting for Garrett do things. For example, they had him stand today (with a lot of support!)
Friday, August 22, 2003
Garrett's family is without a vehicle after a car/deer accident today. Everyone but the deer is okay, but the van is no longer able to be driven. They are working on arranging transportation and two people have already offered the use of their cars.
Thursday, August 21, 2003 Revised
Garrett is at UPMC Rehabilitation Hospital, in Squirrel Hill. Even though Garrett cannot actively participate in his treatment, he is busy throughout the day. The visiting hours are from 9 AM to 9 PM but are limited to 2 visitors at a time so you may be visiting with the family in the family room. The parking lot is reserved primarily for outpatients but there is parking on the street. The area map graphic on the web site is wrong (it shows the downtown hospitals), but the printed directions are correct.
Wednesday, August 20, 2003
Garrett has been promoted! This afternoon he went to UPMC Rehabilitation Hospital, in Squirrel Hill. (address above)
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
It is hard to be sure, but Garrett stuck his tongue out at his grandpa today, (when grandpa asked!) He has had his eyes open for about an hour today. He held his finger up when his father told him that Garrett was number 1.
Monday, August 18, 2003
No changes - we are in a marathon - not a dash. Keep the faith and prayers coming!
Saturday, August 16, 2003
Garrett is on a plateau, as far as we can tell he is neither getting better or worse.
Friday, August 15, 2003
Garrett is being taken from this room to Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy to keep his body used to moving.
Thursday, August 14, 2003
Garrett was moved today to 8D Room 54 since he no longer needs monitoring. A good sign.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
Garrett sat in a chair six hours today. This is the longest he has been out of bed since the accident.
Tuesday, August 12, 2003
At times thorough out the day, Garrett is following people with eyes and giving other strong responses to people talking to him.
Monday, August 11, 2003
Garrett was moved to step down unit today about 2 p.m. He is now in 5G at the Presbyterian University Hospital (UPMC) in Pittsburgh. Another good day!
We checked with the family's lawyer today: a fund is being set up for Garrett's expenses but it is not ready yet. When it is ready we will publish the information here.
Sunday, August 10, 2003
Garrett moved his left arm and leg more energetically today. He was able to breathe on his own all day and all night.
Saturday, August 9, 2003
Garrett was breathing on his own for an extended time today. He was able to give a thumbs up to his friend Ryan and squeeze his hand when he was asked.
Friday, August 8, 2003
Garrett was able to peek out at his mother today. While he didn't fully open his eyes, it is encouraging. They sat him up in the chair again.
Thursday, August 7, 2003
Garrett breathed on his own today for an hour and a half. They reduced the sedation and sat him up in a chair. Today was a good day. His mother says, "We know we have a long way to go but the Lord is taking care of him".
Wednesday, August 6, 2003
Dr. Parker (Garrett's grandfather) called this morning with an update on Garrett. His condition is stable. The family and doctors have a fair amount of optimism. The doctors are constantly reminding the family that there are going to be bumps in the road and there are going to be ups and downs. We must be positive, but we also must be realistic.
Your prayers and web messages are appreciated by all of Garrett's family.
Tuesday, August 5, 2003
Garrett's CT scans are very good, no changes since last week so they removed the probes that were monitoring the pressure, temperature, and oxygen in his brain. He is still under sedation, but he crossed his legs himself. The Parkers appreciate all the phone calls, but they are unable to respond to all the messages so please do not leave phone messages. The family thanks everyone for their prayers and cards.
We may never know what happened at the accident. Garrett swerved for some reason and hit a tree. The car did not roll over.
Monday, August 4, 2003
Garrett had a tough day today with tests, another CT scan, and the addition of a trach tube to help his breathing. With the removal of tubes from this mouth, his mother is happy to get close enough to kiss him and his sister says his breath smells better. The family draws strength from the many visits and enjoys the cards you have sent.
Sunday, August 3, 2003 Revised
We hope to have information about where to send contributions today or tomorrow. The guestbook is working again. Update: The fund for Garrett is being set up by a local law firm, not by the Latrobe Presbyterian Church. When fund is ready, we will publish how to give to this non-church fund as a community service.
Saturday, August 2, 2003
At 5 AM this morning Garrett moved his toes on command. He is still under sedation.
Friday, August 1, 2003
At 3:00 p.m. we have received word from Garrett's Grandfather that Garrett is doing really well clinically. He has shown some improved functions in attempting to breathe independently of the ventilator. We are encouraged, he is stable, all vital signs continue to remain favorable. It may be days or weeks before any observable level of consciousness occurs. Contrary to rumors, Garrett has no injuries to his arms or legs. All of your continued prayers and notes are appreciated.
Thursday, July 31, 2003
At 8:00 a.m. Pastor Christy visited Garrett with his mother and sister Jordan at Presbyterian Hospital and read the prayers and guestbook entries to them. There is no change in his condition. He is still unconscious as expected. Garrett's mother thanked everyone for the visits, prayers, and notes on the web. She and Jordan are able to read them in the hospital.
Our Guestbook for notes to Garret is back up. Seems we found the limit to the number of entries....(it got so big, it didn't load!)
All guestbook entries as of 4 PM Thursday EDT were printed out and sent to Garrett and his family at the hospital. Thanks!
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
At 4:00 p.m. this afternoon Garrett's parents gave us permission to post this message:
“He is stable but still unconscious. They are monitoring him and he is sedated. They expect him to be in this condition for the next 48 hours. This is not life threatening, he is not going to die – they want him in this condition in order to monitor him.”
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Garrett was in an auto accident Tuesday morning in Latrobe. He is currently under care in Pittsburgh. One hundred and seventy-seven people, mostly youth, gathered at Latrobe Presbyterian Church for a worship service of healing and wholeness Tuesday night.