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Latrobe Presbyterian Church |
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428 Main Street, Latrobe, PA 15650 (724) 537-3631 Fax: (724) 537-4434 |
Rev. J. Christy Ramsey, Interim Pastor |
Garrett ParkerMonths of Miracles |
Hey Garrett, We were never real good friends, and I regret that. I know now because of the wonderful friends from everywhere imaginable. It shows what kind of a great person you are. People have expressed hope that what happened will change the minds of a lot of people. I know that mine is changed. Changed in ways that I can't even comprehend. Even though I wish this would have never happened, seeing this many people praying for you has made this an experience I will never forget. To see people of all walks of life, shows what a great friend, and Christian, you are. I trust, with all my soul that you will make a recovery, the likes of which we could never expect. That's the way you are. That's the way God created you. The power of prayer, and of God, will be shown through you. he will give you new strength, and will give strength to your family, because he is with you, as are our thoughts, and most importantly our prayers. God bless. Shawn
Hey, just wanted to say that even though I'm not Presbyterian my prayers are also with you, Garrett. I know we don't know each other very well but I consider you a friend and I wish you a speedy recovery. -Barbara Hillebrecht
Larry and Dottie, Liz expressed some concerns you may be having picking a rehabilitation center for Garrett. I must let you know the therapy I received at Health South, Harmerville was very challenging and rewarding. I feel they pushed me in ways, I felt at the time, were not necessary and I hated, but looking back it was all very necessary for my recovery. They challenged us in physical therapy, speech therapy, and psychological therapy in so many different ways. Jan came and visited many times and I'm sure she can confirm the progress I made because of the challenges they made me face. As a patient I hated it but I knew it was necessary. I was in the head and trauma unit and saw others face similar challenges, there were patient from 13 years old to 80 years old. So the progress levels were all very different. If there is anything I can do in helping you to face the roads ahead of you, please feel free to call any time. The other thing she expressed was Garrett was moving his legs a lot. She commented Mom didn't you do that too... And I also did that, as did my roommate, and I still tend to bounce my legs if I am anxious or nervous about something. But when I was in the hospital I do remember hating the boots on my legs, they made them very hot and itchy and I moved my legs to try and get out of the boots or trying to itch my legs. I also remember in the first weeks, dreaming a lot and in the dreams I would be moving my legs not realizing that it wasn't just a dream I was really doing it. So maybe try rubbing his legs a lot. That really seemed to sooth my legs and also made me not get into those real deep sleeps and dream. And just really made feel good to know someone was there with me. Visits meant the world to me. And I'm sure they make you guys feel good too... Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Carlene Balliett
Garrett, I know your a fighter and strong willed person. Your doing great so far, please come back to us soon we all love and miss you here in Latrobe/Derry Pa! You are loved and are in our prayers constantly, as I leave for school soon I will continue to pray for you each and everyday. I pray that you get well soon so that I may come and visit you when I'm home for breaks. Keep fighting!!! Lindsay Burd
Hey Garrett, I'm so glad to hear of your improvements, they mean so much. I was up to see you today and I can't tell you how comforting it was to see you and to see that you are fighting through this. Keep up the fight, its not over yet, but it will get easier. You have so many visitors, you are definitely loved. My prayers will continue, so stay strong and hang in there!~Alyssa
Garrett, Boy the truck load of emotions that hit our house today as Liz headed down to see you. I wanted to keep her home and away from all the emotions, but I knew how important it was to her and how important it is to you and your family to have people visit and show there love and support. So when she returned I was to glad to hear of your progress. I understand how hard that progress has been for you right now, as well as your family and my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I know each day is hard at first, but once you succeed at those (as you have been), the others will just keep coming and coming a lot easier. Its hard for others to realize the strength and courage it takes to just do such little things like breath on your own or remember to swallow. Things we used to do without having to think about, you have to work so hard for now. But believe me those things will come back and you will no longer take things for granted and you will appreciate things in a different light.... But for now I understand how hard each day is my thoughts and prayers are with you as you face the days ahead with courage and strength. God Bless Carlene Balliett
glad ur makin it! sooo proud of u sweetheart! lotta lovin! ur the strongest and greatest kid! KEEP IT UP!!!!!
Hey Garrett! wow! I am soooo happy to hear that your makin' a slow but sure progress! that's terrific! keep it up babe! we luv ya and will continue to pray! much love!
Garrett~ Each time I have seen you it has been a great comfort to see how amazingly well you look. From day one I have been trying to seek justification as to why something like this had to happen to you of all people. Although we will never know this, I do know that you always find a way out of every bump in the road that you encounter, and this will not be an exception. Your progress is such a comfort to me as it is to everyone who loves you, and you will only continue to work your way back up to the fun, caring, but most of all loving person we all know. I will continue to pray for you always, and soon you will be back home with those who love you. Larry, Dottie, Jordan, and Dr. & Mrs. Parker ~ For as long as I can remember (which is a pretty long time is I do say so,) you have been like a second family to me, and I cannot express enough how much I want to reach out everyday and make your pain go away. Seeing all of you deal so well, or what I consider well, with this is truly uplifting, and you are like a support system for me. Know that I am here for you anytime, for anything, so please don't hesitate to ask. May God continue to bless you all, and shine his love into all of your lives. All my Love, Jenn Dorko
Hey Garrett, It was great seeing you today. I had a hard time bringing myself to talk because looking at you made me think and remember what my mom went through. I had thought I forgot all that happened but I guess I didn't. Seeing you lay there so peace full while I was holding your made me feel so much better than the past how many days. You know I never thought my mom would be where she is today God does wonderful things and you will get through all because you have shown much progress and we are all cheering for you!! Just know that we all love you a lot and want you to be as strong as we know you are. God is holding your hand like I was today. Next time I see you I will be strong enough to talk. I love you and hang in there. Liz Balliett
Dear Garrett, The McMahan family and the DeFelice family hope you get well soon! Hang in there! We're praying for ya! We know the lord will take care of you! Your a great kid never change. Love, The McMahan Family+The DeFelice Family
Keep up the good work Garrett. We are all praying for you and your family. Keep up the good work. Hope to see you soon. The Myers
Garrett- I'm SOOO glad that you are doing so well...and that you are making very good progress!..I can't wait to come see you this weekend!..You've been in my thoughts and prayers and I pray that you will be fine!...I know you will. You're the power house that you always told me(haha) so I know you can make it..haha...love ya and I miss ya tons and tons!!! - Ann Graham
Garrett- We are glad to hear that you are doing so well. You and your family are constantly in our thoughts and our prayers. Stay strong. All of Latrobe is cheering for you. God bless. The Anthony Family