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Latrobe Presbyterian Church |
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428 Main Street, Latrobe, PA 15650 (724) 537-3631 Fax: (724) 537-4434 |
Rev. J. Christy Ramsey, Interim Pastor |
Garrett ParkerMonths of Miracles |
To the Parker Family - I met Garrett when visiting my good friend, Katie Pride. I got to know him better on a trip to Betty Lou's, the ice cream shop where she and Garrett always meet. He has such a wonderful personality. He has wonderful manners which is not always easy to find in a teenage boy! I'm so glad I know him and have him in my life as a great friend. I was so upset when Katie told me about his accident, but I can tell how strong he is and know he will pull through it. He has a wonderful support system from his family and friends, particularly Katie and Dave. You all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. And to Garrett- I'm so ecstatic to hear about the progress you are making! I make sure I ask Katie everyday how you are doing and it is usually something good! You are in my prayers always and keep up the good work. Take care! Hope to see you soon. Love-Rachel Lhota (from Clearfield)
Garrett and family, Even though we don't know you we have been following your progress from early on and praying for you all. It is so good to hear of your progress. God is good, He hears our prayers and watches over all. Take Care. Hang in there. God Bless the McInchoks
Garrett~ talking to you on the phone Wednesday and Thursday has been something I've wanted to do in so long. Now, whenever I talk to you I'll never take that for granted. You're progressing so well, keep up the hard work! Love you from all the way here in Iowa!!! Lizbo
Dear Garrett and Family, We are ecstatic to read of your progress!! Keep up all the good, hard, work. We will be back to see you again very soon. Olivia, Johnette, and Richard Seecof
Garrett- I am so thrilled to hear that you are doing so much better. Talking, throwing a football.. that's the Pork we all know!! You were named most school spirited today! I am so proud of you Garrett, you are such a strong person and I know you're going to continue to improve. You and your family continue to stay in my prayers. I am so excited to read up on your progress everyday. Keep hanging in there, it's only going to get better now! Love you Pork! God Bless you and your family! Love-Heather Thomas
Hola Garrett! They announced at school today that you received "the most school spirited" for the senior superlatives. Mark Arbore told me that you spoke. I have been praying for you everyday since the accident happened. I am overjoyed that you are getting better. If you don't hurry and come back to school the Spanish Club and I might have to come and sing to you! Oh no! You will get better. "I can do all things with Christ who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13. Mrs. Ryder
Garrett~ I'm so glad to see the progress you are making! Talking, throwing a football.. all wonderful things! I check this website to see your progress everyday...there are SO many people praying constantly for you...you're in my thoughts along with the whole community's! Congratulations & keep making progress! *Ashley Fajt*
Garrett, After seeing you yesterday, I know that you are going to be back with us all in no time. You truly are a miracle. You are making such great progress and I'm so proud of you. Angel and I loved seeing you and we will continue to come down to visit you every week. We love you so much!! Love always, Jill Poponick :)
Hi Garrett, It's Mrs. Richards again. I check your website just about everyday, and it's so good to hear that you're doing some talking and getting some more movement! I have friends that ask me all the time about you. Not just, "How's David's buddy?" Or "How's that kid?" Everyone always asks "How's Garrett? Tell him that we pray for him." Your accident has touched everyone's lives, especially us parents. I think we're all a little more loving and forgiving, and a little more protective and maybe a little more patient with our teenagers. Because you represent all kids, and how fragile their lives and bodies are, even us adults. Just know that we're praying for you, your sister and Mom and Dad. We all have faith that you will continue to recover. God Bless You! Mrs. Richards
Garrett, I am so very proud of you! With the support of your family, friends, community, and most importantly God, you are progressing so well. I know that you will continue to work hard and overcome this adversity. Keep working hard and we'll keep praying. We love you guys! Mr. and Mrs. Piraino
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! After a rough day at work, Rick picked me up and greeted me with the print out about Garrett talking! My prayer the other day included, Lord grant us patience -- we know you are with Garrett and his family and you have your own timeline. Help us to stay strong in prayer for the Parker Family! Love to all and be assured that the prayer lines are open, still going and stronger than ever!!! Love to all! Betty Roble
Garrett, the Parkers, I just want to let you know that you are all in my prayers. You can always count on me for anything, just ask and I will be there. You are like family to me and I love you all very much. Keep up the good work Garrett, I know you will be alright, not only do you have so many people praying for you, you have God on your side. What more does a person need? I am here for you buddy, through it all, and I miss you. I'll see you very soon. God Bless you bud. Your pal-Mark
Pork just want you to know that you are doing great. When I saw you last night you looked the best that you ever have looked. You have come a long way and we all know you will be the same old Pork we have always known. Your Quarterback -Flynn-
Garrett, I just heard your great news from my Mom last night. It gave me chills last night because I know that you are going to be back 100%! I am so proud of you. Everything is going to start to fall into place and Garrett you will be home before you know it. Keep up the great work and I am thinking about you! Take care, Love, Alicia Heckel
Garrett when I first started writing to you, you probably thought that talking or throwing a ball wouldn't come. I'm sure it hasn't come fast enough for you but it has come and things will continue to come. Sometimes you don't even know there coming and boom they are there...Sometimes I do things like say the Lords prayer in church or the creeds and don't even think about the words. I know how hard it was just a short time ago to say the littlist thing that others could understand me and I think wow how did I know the words to the creed...and I know part of it is our God working. Like the song says "Our God is an Awesome God" and he truly is and not very many people who sing the song really know how awesome or have felt it. We are a few of the lucky ones who really know the meaning of the song.. Congratulations. Keep them coming... God Bless Carlene
Way to go Garrett!!!!! It is great to hear of your improvements. Keep up the good work. You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers daily. The Sigafoes family