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Latrobe Presbyterian Church |
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428 Main Street, Latrobe, PA 15650 (724) 537-3631 Fax: (724) 537-4434 |
Rev. J. Christy Ramsey, Interim Pastor |
Garrett ParkerMonths of Miracles |
This evening after I had showered Garrett, brushed his teeth and tucked him into bed, I had the most wonderful feeling. I knew he was not alone, that he was in Gods hands. I could sense an angel with him. As I sat there, watching him sleep - there was peace in the room. It was the first all day that I felt peace. His body is healing and the doctors tell me to believe in my mothers instinct. I truly feel he will be waking up soon. I just wanted to thank everyone for their messages, prayers, cards, gifts and visits. I can't even begin to tell you what your support means to me. Mrs. McHenry had a bake sale this past weekend for Garrett at Latrobe's Craft Show. It was a success. I thank all who supported it and I want to thank Mrs. McHenry and all who helped her. Two young people, Kaitlyn Moore and Tyler Kozar, also wanted to do something for Garrett. They never even met Garrett but wanted to reach out to him and to us. They organized their own baked sale and it too was a success. Thank you Kaitlyn and Tyler - you are special people. Your parents should be very proud of you. As soon as Garrett wakes up, I will call you I want to introduce Garrett to you. I know he will think you are a blessing to Latrobe. Keep your prayers and messages coming - they keep me going. Love, Dottie
Garret, and family, Delmont Presbyterian Church sends its Prayers to you, may you heal quickly and your family be strong. GOD BE WITH YOU! Kevin Truscott, Elder, Youth Leader, Delmont Presbyterian Church
Garrett...hey its Kaytie again. I have been trying to write every other day or every day if possible. I miss u so much hunni! I think about you as I walk down the halls going to Latin 5th period up at the high school. The halls seem lonely without you! There is so much going on..Seth is dying to come up and see you(I can tell). I wanted to make a correction from the last time I wrote...on September 15, I wrote "I have been here for 9 months this past august"...it should be 9 years. But anyways, Jordy tells me that she has been torturing you with all kinds of questions. I know, it probably bugs the heck out of you, but it is great that she is doing that. My dad said that it will help you to remember things when you wake up. Speaking of my dad, he wants to write you a message later on tonite after I am finished. He misses not seeing you! I dream of the day that I will see you wake up and start talking again..I cannot wait for that day, and I know everyone cant wait either! You mean soooo> much to this community, you have not idea!! They love you soo much Garrett. It is kind of like September 11th, 2001. After the terrorist attacks, America came together and people were donating blood, volunteering to help with the clean-up, and other things. Our country united and stopped fighting with each other long enough to realize that there are terrorist out there..It is the same way with you.(sorta...hehehe) After the accident, and after everyone heard how bad of shape you were in...Latrobe came together and helped your family out. They donated money, gave your family food, and did soo much more for you parents and Jordy. I never realize how great of a community Latrobe, PA was until after your accident. In a way, I am glad it happened, because it brought everyone closer together in our town. It made everyone think, "WOW..someone can get injured just like that in our town, or even possibly killed." That is why we must enjoy everyday of what we have and not what we don't have. Because you never know when you are going to get in an accident or have a heart-attack. I learned from these past 2 months that life is TOO SHORT to take the time and find that some special...but you need to enjoy it for what it gives you! I don't know where I would be without such a great community...Everyone in it ROCKS!!(And I truly mean that!!) They have been such an impact on my perspective way of looking at life. They have taught me to think about the important things in life. Ever since the accident, I have looked at Seth in a whole different way. I realize that I could have lost my big bro, plus one of my best friends (other than my oldest bro, Adam)...and I sit here ready to cry because I think of how close he came to almost losing everything. His life. Life is more important than anything else on this earth, and Seth is one person who is soo full of LIFE. He is always smiling and in a cheerful mood. I know that he had to have picked some of that cheerful off of you! It must have rubbed off of you and onto Seth. You and Seth are made to be best friends. You were always smiling and making peoples days so much brighter! You have changed this community Garrett...you really have! I have now idea what I would have done if I would have lost Seth. He means the world to me and so do you right now. Seth is my influence right now because Adam is still away at the Army Reserve. I know I would have never been able to make it without him or you. And that is why I thank God so much for letting you guys have a second chance...a 2nd chance at life...but mostly you Garrett because you were injured worst. God knew you were a great person..to EVERYONE. And he knew that you deserved a 2nd chance at life. You still aren't done with your job on Earth. You know how people say in church that God only takes you when he thinks you've done your job down on Earth...well he must have thought that there was A WHOLE HECK OF A LOT MORE for you to do down here on Earth. And I thank him for that because there is soo much more you have to do! Well I better rap it up..I have been writing for about 30 minutes! I hope you know how much you mean to this community. Maybe not right now, but you will after you wake up! Good Night, and I love you Garrett!!-Love, Kaytie
Garrett it is so awesome to hear about your improvements. Keep up the good work! Megan Parke
Garrett It was great to see you this past weekend. Just to see you respond to Katie's instructions to hug and to see your eyes come open when you leaned forward was like a gift from heaven. We will continue to pray that the new medicine continues to make you focused on responding. The girls doing the lollipop trick to get you to move you tongue was funny to watch. Hope you get even with them when you get better. Dottie, Larry and Jordie we love you all very much. Keep up the faith on this long road to Garrett's recovery. Will continue to pray for you as well as Garrett. Love Evert & Cherokee Briggs
Hello Parkers! I've been keeping up to date on how Garrett's doing and, Garrett you're doing SO amazingly well! There isn't a day that goes by without someone coming up to me in school asking me how you are doing, Garrett, and everytime I have to tell them how well you are doing. My mom, Aunt Peg, and I can't wait to come out and see everyone. My friend's older brother is 16 and he used to not wear his seatbelt and I told him what happened to you and you were wearing your seatbelt, now he doesn't start the car until it's on. You've made an impact on so many peoples lives, it's amazing. Jordy, Uncle Larry, and Aunt Dottie~ We can't wait to see the three of you. Stay strong with the Lord. Love always, Liz
To the Parker Family Hang in there! You are all in our thoughts and prayers! The Gigliotti Family!
Hi Dottie: Please tell Garrett to keep up the good work of getting better and that our prayers are for you all. We thank God for Garrett's progress. EJ is back at Fork Union but asks about Garrett frequently. Tell Garrett EJ wants to visit when he is home the next time. Peace be with you. You are in our hearts and in our prayers. Joanne